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V0.1 of the Terrain Editor is done. And one of the new features, is that changes made to the farm/garden and containers in the tent area is now saved! This happens regardless of whether or not you use the Editor.

Another feature is the ability to save/load user created maps (to external files). This obviously have a lot of implications. I think the UI is probably a bit clunky, but certainly useable. I was able to create the zone in the picture in about 5-10 mins. (It's just a testing zone)

One problem the Editor addresses is that previously, any new modded item must come from the merchant. While this works decently when there are only a couple items, it can be hard to get what you want with many mods. With the map save/loading, the modder can just put the item into the containers within a map and have user acquire the item that way.

Limitations - currently, there are no way to edit metadata with the Editor. Things like player respawn point, enemy spawn points and so on. Another issue is that the base game doesn't have much tile/models to pick from. This is mostly due to the difficulty in creating hand crafted environment without an Editor so it was somewhat neglected. I am sure the situation will change.

Currently, working on exposing additional modding functionality to load user defined tiles and models. Unfortunately this will have to be through editing json files directly rather through an in game interface. I want to release another build soon, to get the editor and surrounding features to work already took a long time.



Icarus Media

Keep up the good work and look forward to the next version.


Nice! Levels of stoke are rising. Wonder what this game is going to look like this time next year :D