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The rest of the WIP pages from the current act are attached, i advice checking them out before voting. Please keep in mind that the dialogue is an early build. The poll will be online until i complete these pages!

CYOA Status update: Delays! I forsake all hope of finishing this and the next act of the comic within the month, I can't afford to let another month pass without getting paid here though. My finances are suffering from my slowness, and probably the supporters aren't happy about that either. As a solution of sorts, i've decided to divide the comic in two parts, the first of which is formed of the first two acts,  the second(and final) will be the current and next acts.

Changes (regarding the CYOA): i'll make a paid post at the end of this month featuring the aforementioned first part of the comic, all pledging patrons will have access to the HD version of it as reward.

You can read more info about the CYOA -here- 




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