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  • Scene_7_Trim.mp4



Happy Saturday!! I meant to post yesterday but I was waiting for this to render and fell asleep before it finished lol. Something I was really excited about when writing the story for this was depicting Gwen's fascination for seeing a growing erection for the first time. Knowing shes causing it / knowing its for her.. AAAAAAA exciting!! I know I swore I'd post more frequently but I'm really trying to get this one right!! 

Its very important that the pacing and story for this flow properly while also getting the overall POINT across. To me its less about "mmm horny animation" and more about making sure I can accurately depict pure, innocent arousal and curiosity.

also hurray for passing the 4 minute mark! Hopefully I can make this at least 10 minutes long, but the Meru OVA was supposed to be 15 mins long (ended up being 45 mins lol) so lets just keep going!!!



I had hoped 4-Arms had 2 dicks lol.


can't wait for this to be out! great work skudd