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Hello again! Thank you all for all the kind words, support, and patience on the previous OVA's!! Episode 4 is now in production and you can check out the progress here!

https://mega.nz/folder/cMQ3QKjS Key is: WNBlNu44UA1HB-cRtd5N9Q

Episode 4 will be another longer episode, much like the first two, and is all about Meru! Its time she makes her move towards Tyler!

the Meru videos are no longer on G-Drive and now are on Dropbox!


If you are interested in seeing daily progress, join my discord server! I stream work on Meru almost every day! https://discord.gg/QzRv8en




I feel like i'm not the only one that would love this, but it'd be fuckin dope if at the end meru and erica resolve their problems, forget about tyler, and fuck


This work is Awsome also is anyone else not able to find part 2 in the Google link or is it just me?


It seems as if Meru gets thicker and thicker with each episode, and I'm ok with this!


Nice! Meru’s new design is amazing. Keep up the good work.


Also I love the whole “who gets the cute guy” plot you added.

Jon Lindquist

i don't see episode 2 on the drive, only 1, 3, and the 4 preview


It says I need a decryption key for Mega to work


Your work is absolutely amazing! Can’t wait to see what comes in the future!!


1-3 were awesome can't wait for 4 to finish up, looks great so far.


It is that back end that didn't quite make the link


I need the decryption key


I'm needing a decryption key


I need the decryption key


Key is next to mega link


how do i access the models from the 1$ tier?


this link has all the models! drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NuD5ep_m7gvW71z9rrEHnw-8R5WRfAlx?usp=sharing


also can they not be used on blender?


No sorry, all my content is made using Maya and is compatible with versions 2016 and above!


When do you think the next episode will be fully done?


Meru outfit and looks really nice!


I love it! In the future you could place subtitles in Spanish please, greetings from Chile!

That one guy

Skudd I have found a HUGE problem with the newest ova meru doesn't have a hall pass which is clearly a violation of school policy


what happened to the g-drive??? I have to wait for 5 hrs or pay to watch more than 20 minutes with the mega link


We have any Idea when Meru next part will be done?


I think he's sick or something like that right?


I feel like I know where this is going. 🥰


How long does it take for each episode


Skuddbutt, you have outdone yourself. As a lesbian, it is really hard to find something that sucks me in as most content like this has (what I dare to call) unrealistic tendencies aimed to mainly please men. I love everything about what you're doing. The body language, the realistic body parts, all the way down to the perfection of the voice actors/actresses. I can't wait to see what your end results will be. Stoked my dude👌👌


It would be awesome if when Meru finishes fucking someone in school, It would show cum dripping down her legs and ppl notice with like a disgusted look on their face.


Is there an ETA for this episode?

Haxxton VonWham

Not often do I watch these for the story AND the porn, but by golly this is some high quality stuff all around!


When can we expect a release¿


And where is the full version of the video?


Yea just been patiently waiting 2 months for this episode 😏


Loving the series so far Skuddbutt! Will the models be available at some point? Thanks in advance!


is it me or is there no sounds


It would appear she doesn't add sound to the WIP animation. It seems like she applies that at the end for polish.

Dane Otto

Any updates on part 4? I’m so eager for it 😭


I'm also eager to see part 4


Can't wait for next ep!


Hmmm it’s been quite a while I’m beginning to wonder if this patron has gone stagnet


I'm assuming with all the comments about how long it's taking for the next ep, that none of you realize how long it takes to create 3D models and then animate them. Then on top of that add voiceovers. That being said wish we had at least monthly posts for updates.


judging by the post dates it does look sparse but if you look at the mega file updates they've been updating quite a bit! and doing an excellent job as well ❤️

Steven Pepe

I mentioned progress in a message to Skudd. Basically you can look at the video run time and see it increasing and when you look at the mega folder video thumbnail if it doesn't display the runtime there was an edit. I've gone through the end of the video numerous times and seen the changes.


I am wondering if we will ever see meru's host trying to fight for control of her body? What I find interesting is how meru's kowledge is not syncd up with her host so perhaps there is still a fighting chance


This page needs to go faster.


yah man ur way to slow all of the sodden sorry bad at spelling

Steven Pepe

A 30 second increase to the video with new content just dropped today.


Y’all seriously have no idea how long animation takes. I get that you enjoy the content and you want it ASAP, but chill out. Stop rushing the process. You think she’s going to keep creating content if you bombard her with harassing comments? I know I wouldn’t.

Dane Otto

I know this stuff takes a long time, but as this is Patreon and people are putting money into it, it would certainly be reassuring to at least have monthly updates, kind of like she said there would be.


There have been constant updates to the video in the mega drive.


I’m guessing the creator is female it’s the only reason I could see this many guys jumping to defend the slow output. With a income of nearly 20k I think one episode a month is possible.


i was thinking that to if she was going through sum stuff id understand


btw good job on last ep sorry for being demanding


Loving the series! The only thing that keeps bugging me is, why is the locker room door wide open and why does the locker room have windows?


I cannot wait for this episode! I'm really digging where it is and the overall story so far


Any time frame


Saw that there is no Meru Model on the Models folder, will we be able to see her too?


Thats all?


I feel like it lacks the satisfaction of well… finishing


Could be hot if we see how she take over and dominate them


The guy licking her pussy must become addicted from tasting her juice


i think its what they add last


Does the mega link have the exact same videos as drop box link, same quality ?


I love the daily update. The highlight of the day is to wake up and log on to see if there is an uptate


Is there a reason I have no sound in the Dropbox download


I hope there is an update soon …these are my favorite videos of all time especially episode 2


Succubus DP?


So I'm not seeing any Meru related anything on the Discord. Am I blind &/or stupid? or are they just not there?


Updates on the vid keep rolling in but unfinished and without audio....looking forward to a finished scene. DP? Anal? Hands that appear to jerk off the air?


Lots of characters to animate and with several characters interacting with each other at the same time, it can be tricky to keep them in sync and looking natural without clipping through each other. I'm actually surprised at the rate the updates are coming through. It's a lot of tedious work.


Would love to see P2M in this! Or see guys alternating strokes like, guy A goes in, then guy B, then guy A and back and forth taking turns in a consecutive shot. If that makes sense?


New subscriber here! If the current build in the MEGA folder is the final cut sans sound, I just wanted to say there’s a real missed opportunity not having Meru absolutely blasted in the face during the final circle jerk and ascending to demon godhood from all the cum energy. Jokes aside, I can’t wait to see the final product with sound!


bro i don´t know if anyone else sayed that but we need a meru´s dp or meru having action in the ass hahaha


If you can add more scenes which meru get double penetration by the guys, it will more great.. anyways, your art are great and i hope there are more sequel after you finished this ep.. keep it up and i will always support you


DP confirmed!! You da real MVP, skuddbutt!


is it just me or is there no sound for this episode?


I’m assuming Skudd is still working on the sound and waiting on the VO, since an official release announcement hasn’t been made.


love the added DP scene and Meru stumbling out of the locker room! Is there going to be any inner thought dialogue during the sex scenes? Meru talking about how the big dude’s dick was too much for her and she was losing control is what made the sex scene in Episode 2 so hot IMO


That's awesome Skudd, way to go!

Haxxton VonWham

I love me a good gangbang scene!

Haxxton VonWham

Personally hoping meru seduces the teacher at some point... Maybe he's so grumpy because he's still a virgin! 😆


Thank you so much for the content. Please never stop pushing these out. This is my life support. Also, prefer Meru action instead instead of the girl from ova 3

That one guy

Did meru just get sent to horny jail?!?!


audio part 4?


It'd be cute to just randomly see Faye Shapeshifter askin students for directions in the background ;3


Ohhh fantastic. Is the locker room scene going to have sexy voices too or is it going to stay as music?


Has anyone else noticed the episode 4 doesn’t have sound?


No full video


Any updates? Or just radio silence for months


Anyone else watch more for the guys?


Although there haven't been any new "posts". We can see there is work done in the Mega folder.


There have been a lot of updates depending on when you tried to watch the video last. It was just a couple scenes, now the video is, I'm assuming, pretty much finished aside from needing the voices.


Yeah but we had the double facial in ep 2 already, even if it was the nerds instead of hot jocks, so the shots of internal simultaneous DP cumshots is pretty cool


I wanna see them share Tyler and then have a group thing w every dude we’ve seen naked so far.


Anyone have a name for the song that plays when she goes to the locker room?