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Azula from Avatar!! she has 4 outfits, a variety of hairstyles, as well as an NCloth robe! Enjoy! <3




Awesome Work 👍👍👍👍😸😀🤗😆😇


how can i see it?

cittran genericlastname

Um...I normally wouldn't ask, but is there any chance we could get Tai Lee at some point in the near future? (By which I mean within a period of "however long it takes to make a model to your standards".)


I like it a lot ty


This model is great, but what happened to all of the other models? I was looking for the raven model?


<a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NuD5ep_m7gvW71z9rrEHnw-8R5WRfAlx" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NuD5ep_m7gvW71z9rrEHnw-8R5WRfAlx</a> Raven should be in here!


Been so long since I've used Maya - How do I load her textures? She's just got grey eyes and a pasty grey/white skin, but some of the clothes are textured.


you may have to reassign her textures in the attribute editor! just click on her body and load the "Azula body texture files" found in the texture folder


do i need to keep using maya, can't I use blender or something?


Hi there, the IK controller is only able to rotate her hands, is there a way to translate her hands as well?, and when switching to IK, the arms just shift forward in front of her. And we are suppose to use v12 of her maya file right? Thanks!


Hey stupid question but how do I get blend shapes to work on the base model?


Hello skudd, i hope you reply to this. Im new to maya and i wanted to use your model but whenever i import the .ma file into maya the textures come up missing, ive already reassigned the textures multiple times but i dont want to have to do that everytime i open maya, ive looked all over the internet for solutions because i can tell that "Textures" arent the only thing that wont work, blendshapes, rigged body parts, and facial flexes dont work either. im on maya 2019 btw. (Non student ver)


Hey Skudd!! I love your stuff! I am an artist and a motion capture tech working in the entertainment industry! You have some awesome models!! Amazing stuff and you’re always improving. I’d love to get to do some awesome stuff with your amazing models and blends of mocap and keyframe someday! I was wondering if you’d be up for suggestions/commissions for characters! I’d love love LOVE to see Makeela Riju from Breath of the Wild in your style, as well as Kida from Atlantis! They both got the nice feet, the tan skin, the unique hair and body jewelry. Last but not least, dare I suggest... 2B from Nier Automata?! It’d be fantastic to have some sexy models of yours of those gals! Anyways thanks for everything keep it up! (I mean the work. Mostly) 😊


Using blender and I think the cut up hair is missing. The crazy hair bangs obj missing.


Hey @Skuddbutt Man I love this model, you captured the art style perfectly, I have to agree with another commenters here, not that its my business or place to say, but I was kind of sad it wasn't Ty Lee. .Azula is great and well made, but I kind of really wished it was Ty Lee instead, I don't know if she is in your future plans or not, but from what I have seen you tend to only do one character from an IP. I hope I am wrong because pairing Ty Lee and Azula together would be amazing, thank you for all your hard work.


Oh man I could not agree more, I love Ty Lee way more than I like Azula. I hope that he has her planned but I don't have my hopes up, there are no Tylee models out there, especially to this quality, I like Azula but not at all as much as I like Ty Lee.


Sorry in immature English... Hello Skud i loved your models so much! I used violet model for studying animation, and i found violet's body texture has doesn't exist in violet's texture file. Could you add body texture? Again thank you share your models!


yeah there's some missing files for violet


Skuddbutt can you please make a Lucoa 😳 Video, there’s too few videos of her


so how would you use this?


Perfecto Análisis