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After clicking a character, type in how many votes you want to use!

 http://rutscripting.nfshost.com/  (it can probably be changed in the future, but for now this is fine)

   After logging into the site with patreon, you can tap/click your profile picture in the top left to check how many remaining votes you have. Click on the character you want to vote for and enter the number of votes you want to use. You can refund your votes by navigating to your own log page.

And this time, I don't have to manually tally everything!

The rules are mostly the same as they were before, and as decided by the poll from some months ago, I'm going to run this round with every character starting with 0 votes.

If it turns out that this system isn't really what people are into, it can be changed.

The biggest difference is that the character removals will come with every round!
The 6 characters with the smallest amount of votes will all be removed from the voting to make room for suggestions.

 VOTING URL:  http://rutscripting.nfshost.com/  

If you have any issues at all with the site, please let me know ASAP as this is the trial run, so bugs may be present! Thank you!



The Guard LW

Oh that is a neat site. And THOSE CHARACTERS. WHEW! <3


So many good choices, but I can't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the number of choices and am worried about all the excellent characters that might get struck from people wanting to focus on a single favorite at a time. I'm probably worried over nothing.


even if they're struck they can still be readded if someone feels so inclined as to request em


such a tough list of lovely maidens was hard to choose v_v