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Check in my DISCORD (make sure to link your patreon and discord accounts), or your messages here on patreon (if you pledge $5+)! 

If you're a $5 patreon and don't have a message with the files and you want one, lemme know and I'll hook you up.

Thanks again for everyone's patience and generosity!




the god has graced us with this gift


I am new can I still get those files?


How do I get the video? I just signed up.


If there is a part 2, Sunset should pull out the dildo in her ass and start masturbating with it, without any regards to who may be watching.


theres no part 2 but you could always commish for one :3


Also just signed up, could I get the video?


New pledge here! Please can you send me the link? :3


I will like a video


New pledger, need the link please~❤️


Just pledged, can I get a link?


sorry mate, $5+! The public version that you will get the full res of comes out on the 16th next month


Hiya! New pledge here! Link please!


Hello, new pledge where can I see the animation ? :)


Long time follower, but new Pledge! May I have a link?

Nightfury Dante

Seen today your work on trumblr and i had to join you


Glad to see my posts there still reach people after the great exodus of 2018! btw didn't know if you wanted the link to the files so I sent it to you anyway


Hi miss, just cause um eager, and love your art, I bumped up a tier, just waiting on the link


Love the art! Happy I joined just asking for a link now

Nightfury Dante

Thanks man and your work is awesome. The purge on tumblr is a joke like other, these guys are really idiots

Supreme Leader G

Wonderful works, can you sent me a link?


Worth the wait. It's really well made, Oughta.


Would you mind sending me the link?


Very nice! Can U sent me a link please?


Hi there! I just became a patron, can you give me the link for this?


Just signed up Think I can get the link?


thanks man! This Sunset Shimmer animation is a real masterpiece!


Can you send me the files please?


Just signed up for the 5$ can you toss the files?


Followed you on Tumblr, good to see you're still at it. Just pledged $5, could I get a link please?


How to get? I'm $5 dude


Late to the party, sorry, could I get a link please?

Cpt Babyface

This is beautiful. I'd pay to see her getting plowed in a public restroom as a followup to this.


I looked over your stuff and, have to say: Overall, your content has A LOT of good details and touches to it. So its a bit of a shame to notice where it falls short. I was rather disappointed. Your female anatomy doesn't match up with your males. You don't go that extra mile, or even 5 extra steps. While you do that for your males. Leading to a lot of mismatched anatomy. One the plus side: You DO at least match them in terms of quality of detail, and placement. So they look alright, which is more than can be said about ex: that criminal hack Eipril. But on the same note, you also allow your males to be hyper, further driving a wedge in between there. I heard high praise on your Spyro animation, so I went to check it out and... yeah, Spyro is basically hyper. And it has no climax for Elora, so that was kinda shit. Along with that she just has a generic, "just hit puberty" vulva. Which is better than a hentai slit. But if you bend over backwards to design something for Spyro, you could at the bare minimum toss something her way. Some tiny detail.


Can I have a link pls?)


Hey, I'm a $5 pledge and was hoping to get the link please


Hey, Oughta, is it still possible to get the link? If so, I'd love to get it!