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Hello Patrons!

Time for another Animation Update!

Since last time, I've animated:

SHOT 77 (Becky and Tyler stewing on the couch in the sweaty afterglow)


And that was actually the last shot for me to finish before moving onto compositing, which I've already started doing since the last update. I think I did about... 8 shots?

I figured I'd put together a nice little slideshow of it:


Technically, there are still 2 shots left that require some last touch ups and such, but I'm having an assistant animator take care of that so I can move on and get into the nitty gritty of post production! The production of this film really ballooned out of control quite a bit, but it feels nice that I can see the horizon closing in. 

Just for reference:

84/86 Animation shots have been completed so far. 

32/86 Shots have been composited so far.

I hope to finish up compositing soon, and reveal the full thing to you all.

Thank you all so much for your support. <3




susan gives off both ara ara and milf vibes


Love the work so far! Do you have a firm date in mind yet?


Thank you! No not a firm date yet, but I'm hoping post production wraps up in around 7 weeks or so