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Thanks to all of you, I was able to complete this chapter. I really appreciate your support. The next chapters will continue with more episodes on Charr. It will be a few months before it begins, as a lot of work needs to be done to start a new chapter. There will be more interesting developments to come. If you are interested in that, I hope you will wait for the new pages.

Notice: Old posts will be deleted three months after they are posted. Please save all the  files soon whenever I post. (Please note that Finding Family 7 [No.7] will be deleted about several weeks later!) Thank you so much for your understanding.



Darius Davis

What a fantastic journey this has been. You and the writers have done a great job with this series! Can't wait to see how you handle these amazing characters in future projects! <3


Your beautiful comments have always encouraged me! Thank you so so much!!

Felipe Colina

that was beautiful, I just love this story, and just one question, what are the chances of Mondo appearing? I know that Brothers in Arms is in "another universe" but just out of curiosity Your work is incredible, I wish you much success, love and health


Of course, we can't imagine Cole's life without Mondo. I can't go into details now, but I'm sure Mondo will be waiting his turn somewhere in this universe! I appreciate your kind comment, thank you!!

Pintorleoni l

This was just a beatiful story but i already finish it ;-;