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Alex Talbain

Omg, this was definitely worth the wait. It was nothing short of hilarious to see those two go at it like that and I'm definitely looking forward to that threesome. Though to be honest, I never knew Charr could be so... toxic. I mean I get it, he's a Sergent and he's trained men and made his son a warrior and being a man is important, but something about this particular situation feels a little unpleasant. I get that there are times when your honor is at stake and you need to show someone the kind of man you are. Heck, I've had to do that a few times by showing bullies that I will stick to my morals no matter what, but it feels weird that he's intruding on a healthy relationship. I still love this, don't get me wrong, it's just that uptill now, Charr has helped guys GET READY for relationships and prepare them for the future, but this is the first time he's done something like this.




I really do love the expansion of the comic universe with this series, and the sex scenes are soooooo hot I can’t take it! Can’t wait to see how this developed in the coming pages. Fantastic work like always. 👍🧡🖤


Given Charr's personality, I thought it was not surprising that he would say and do something like this to intentionally offend Tobias, but if it did not come across that way, I must have been inadequate. Thanks for your honest feedback! I really appreciate it!


I'm really happy you like this cross over!! Hope you like the rest of this comic!💕💕

Alex Talbain

I'm honestly not offended with this and I definitely see where what you were going for here. Plus, like I said, it was hilarious to see Charr and Toby butt heads like that. It's just that in this particular situation, Charr seems like he's intruding and what makes it feel like toxic masculinity is the fact that Toby respects Tyson and Charr is calling him a pansy because of it. I get that Charr's whole thing is "BE A MAN ALREADY" but the way he talks down to Toby for respecting his partner's wishes, that's what makes it, well, you get the picture. It's just a little unpleasant


Thanks for your detailed comments. I understand what you mean!


Woah! I really saw it coming but, HOLY HELL!, I didn't expect it to be so fast. I can't take sides with either, they're both right. (Tobias and Charr) You put me between a rock and a hard place... Thank you Maririn! 😼💕 By the way, I love Tyson's smile in the last panel. It's like a child full of innocence and illusion, it melts my heart, well if I had one Hehe!. A great job as always, a big hug! =^^=


Maririn will there be a future comic of coal soon ? Also does Sargent charr like Tyson ?


Aww I'm so happy you enjoyed these pages! It really encourages me! Thank you so so much for your sweet comment, a bigger hug!!😆💕💕💕


Thanks for your asking! I can't tell the details of the later scenes yet, but Coal will appear in this comic later.