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Please send me your Key


I'm sorry, I don't see the PW or I'm blind


if those are the 4 words So "a...-n...-b...-s", then Mega says the key is invalid.


Hello, I'm giving up, I opened the community on the mobile app, but I can't find an activation code. I play the game on the PC and go to the PC Mega link. Mega demands a key. Maybe I don't understand you correctly because I barely understand English. When is the free version coming? Kind regards


@tvrvc, try copying the whole hyperlink (including the part after the "#" symbol) if you are asked for a key in MEGA. The hyperlink doesn't include the latter part due to the "#" symbol. https://mega.nz/file/Fc8DkCIK#TQhT7ega7zSUUgXYq9mdTPa_7TZhWfiDfbGExmZW71I If you still asked for a key for the MEGA download link, the key should be the part after the "#" symbol, aka "TQhT7ega7zSUUgXYq9mdTPa_7TZhWfiDfbGExmZW71I". I hope you find this information useful. Note: Same applies to the joiplay link.


Hi, I sent you a direct message, please take a look there.


i'dont see pw.pls help me