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Hey guys here are the polls for NOVEMBER 2021 , THANK YOU~  (:3_ヽ)_



I know kny is kinda 💤💤💤💤,but LETS FUCKING GOOOO KANROJIII


Nightmare is so cute! Go Nightmare! :D


Nightmare PLZ

Real Simon

Oof I wish you added komi

Shifty Imp

Let's face it. Any non-gacha character is probably gonna lose anyway 90% of the time. 😭😭😭

Real Simon

Elaina won though last time again,I hope komi gets added next one lol


Can we move away from Genshin Impact? :(


Gotta be Mieruko


Is it possible to temporarily remove characters who are drawn this month from the character wheel pool in the following month? They'd be eligible again 2 polls after their last win. This would help with character variety between two consecutive months.


There rly needs to be some restrictions. Why is Elaina on here again after just winning last month? And I love the genshin girls too but there doesn’t need to be 3 to pick from in a poll. There’s already plenty of porn of all of them anyways. There’s some great choices on here that will never get picked otherwise. Makes me not care to stay subbed honestly.


One method I've seen: vote results carry over from month to month and the artist draws the top 3 after each polling period and removes them from the tally. This is cool because no votes are ever "wasted". Adds more complexity though since it's tracked outside of Patreon though Google Sheets. I think this and/or restrictions on characters after winning would even the playing field, especially for under-represented/non-gacha characters.


The votes carrying over sounds interesting. Personally I’d just like some simple rules; one character per franchise, franchise who’s character wins cannot be in next month’s poll, and one vote each person.


Those are very sensible rules - solves most of the problems while avoiding too much additional complexity (votes carrying over is too complex imo). If we're limiting to one character per franchise, the number of total characters in every poll should be reduced as well (probably to when ZeN33n was picking them, so 12 instead of 24). Character wheel can still be used to pick the first character from each franchise. Under this model I think you can continue to let each person vote for as many characters they want.