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Hey y'all, I'm very happy to finally release the Super Taco Crew 0.2 Update!  This includes Chapters 4-6 which introduces the main conflict of the story.  It also marks about half of the story complete.  This update had a bunch of new Backgrounds and CGs, and it was a lot of work to get them done but I'm pretty happy with the results.  Please play the new chapters and let me know what y'all think!

For this month, I'm going to focus on finishing the rest of the backgrounds for the game (whew) which is at least 17 new backgrounds.  If I have extra time I will start digging into CGs for the new chapters.  I think this will be a full art month, so probably no release at the end of the month but we will see.  I'm going to target Chapters 7-8 for the next update, and 9-11 for the final release.

I also really wanna thank you guys for your support!  I'm actually trying really hard to finish this as early as possible so y'all will be able to play the full game.  The end is closer than you think!

Anyway that's all for now, take care!





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