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I rasied the percentages on all tiers for discounts and I have tons of filament that just came in . Literally have another 60 kg in the Garage I cant even take out of the box. I tried getting as much as I can afford so I can give better discounts so use your codes. Also if you order the A3dp drives select with the connector and use the discount so its like you get the cables for free or just buy with the connectors and motor only and make note saying your a patron and ill give the Igus constant flex cable for free . I also have tungsten Carbide nozzles and had posted links previously for syringes to use but made some preloaded ones to see if you guys want them. 

Last is i have a thought to make mouse pads with cheat sheets on them like board pinout and commonly looked up commands etc . So comment if you like the idea and also comment what you would want to see on them cause i bought a sublimation printer and am gonna make them myself "aka my wife will " . She makes some amazing cups and stuff so i am gonna try and make some a3dp stuff if you guys think that would be cool let me know .






Matt Mendick

when you putchase the servo/stepper notor item on your site is that for a pair or do you need to purchase 2 of them?


Hey I am gonna be making a package for patrons that's hidden but your coupon code should work now . Unfortunately that's per motor but it's still cheaper than odrive or clearpath and when you consider nit needing 48v power supply and 5160s for high voltage open loop it's not to bad . I am ordering more and more at a time to drive price down and next order should be 300 units which will allow me to make a decent drop in price