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Anyone that tried running a dockage probe knows you either need to mount it on your gantry and lose build space or if you have it mounted next to the bed you need a seperate endstop. I asked every dev I could find and they all explained the way klipper code is that it can't support homing the z with the probe if it has to home woth a diff endstop first. I know the code is their cause we obv can home with the probes but the problem is you don't know where the position is before you home so how do you find the dock . I tried macros that move mm then check pin state but they all give recursive errors. So the solution was to double define the probe and have it inverted once. Then the other trick was to have it do a probe move at the center of the bed and before it lifts do a manual kinematic position write while reading the z offset from the config file to subtract it . Now baby step saving works and probe calibrate works and it's faster and more accurate than a bl touch . Also cheaper .
Euclid probe ready anyone that wants to try please whatsapp me and I will send you files plus setup your klipper confog or if you send me your current config I can setup. The macros are a little complicated and I need to take notes on what you guys ask so I can make a decent walk through. That's why for now I am doing this Patron only


Euclid probe working with no other z endstop and and proper z value from bed with no need to Re mesh


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