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I will be stocking garolite build surfaces i currently have them i just don't have the 3m adhesive yet so i am trying to track that down and then they will be on the site. I also have new stock of the gantry kits that i am packaging and then will post stock levels of. I need to reach out to a few people that had already ordered and were waiting on a few new things that had been in the works and i am sure wanted to let the bugs for the install to get ironed out, which i think its safe to say they are. Also i just received 2 printers to do the install on so i will be taping an install from stock to full gantry and berd air which should be pretty cool.



Awesome, please set 2 of the garolite sheets aside for me, one for the 300 and one for the 400, I will also like a gantry kit for the 400. Let me know when I can place an order.

John Beima

Okay my x501 is jealous now, it wants a gantry upgrade. :) lol