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Hello everyone! It's been a while since we last post. I wanted to share something with all of you today.

Every time I post, I always want to present my best and most amazing works. So, I try to create drawings that satisfy myfans as much as possible and include various variations.

However, this often leads to exceeding the planned time, resulting in fatigue and added pressure. Additionally, with the stunning results of AI-generated art, I feel inadequate when it comes to draw fine details.

I really want to post more frequently and not feel afraid of doing so. I'm scared that my fans will realize how low my output is and how I lack detailed compare to AI . This pressure keeps growing, and it makes me slower in creating art. This time, I even couldn't produce satisfactory content for charging over a span of three months. This stacking pressure is just not healthy.

Therefore, I've made a decision. After completing this artwork of Ashagi, I will limit the time for each piece to within seven days. I will let go of time-consuming fine details and numerous variations and instead focus on the content and atmosphere of my drawings. I'll allocate separate time for learning techniques to make the process of creating fine details more efficient. I want to share more posts and create more profound visual stories!

I understand that this might make some fans feel that my work isn't as refined and may cause them to leave. However, it's the method I can think of at the moment to reduce my pressure and increase my productivity. I'll divide my time between drawing and learning (drawing for regular artwork and learning to reduce the cost of fine details).

To all the fans out there, I truly hope to share more of my creations with you. Maybe in the future, not every post will be highly refined, but I promise they will get better and better. Thank you all so much! >A<

(Translated by CHAT-GPT




Always love your work, dude


Take the time to learn new techniques. If they help you get the results you want, we all get something out of it :-) And all those who appreciate and love your work will be happy to support you :-)

gtunver (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-03 19:17:52 thank you so much&gt;A&lt;
2023-07-03 16:21:18 thank you so much>A<

thank you so much>A<