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大家好呀  .之前有提過 term14 應該會在6月底發出.目前已經畫得差不多了. 預計會在7月5號前發出.感謝大家的等待!
term14只有在6月前加入的會員會收到歐! 因為我的PATREON幾乎都是2個月收一次. 7月我會努力的做出term15朝向一個月一個獎勵出發!!!
Hello everyone. I have mentioned that term14 should be sent out at the end of June. It has almost done now. It is expected to be sent out before July 5th. Thank you for your waiting!
I will not charge this month !!

Only members who joined my patreon before June will receive term14!( but you still can buy it on gumroad) Because I usual charge my patreon per two month. I will try to finish term 15 in a month(june) to stable my income!!

thank you! I love you guys!




Fantastic work this month, your artwork is always so beautiful and inspiring. it's a great job. always take care of yourself and your health (・ ω <) once again thank you and good continuation ฅ(^・ω・^ฅ)