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I don't know how to say. It is so embarrassing to post this post!

the first thing I want to my fans is "I really miss you and so sorry"

Because I had a hard time on my new work (D.VA)so I download overwatch to find some inspiration.It havet play games for a long time .Overwatch is such a good game that I addictive accidently .I notice that I cant play any more very soon.because I had play for 2.3 week.And my work is still not good . The  guilty of not drawing and that my fans wait for me .And I still cant post good work. I dont even have courage to open patreon page.I know a lot of fans will leave me. All those stress make me can not help but want to escape.It is until  early September.I force myself not to keep falling .

I am very sorry for that you guys waiting for me .I won't play anymore.I will focus on draw for my fans! Thanks for  never abandon me!I will keep try my best to become one of best artist in the world!

(I will fix the wrong grammar later >A<


首先 發這篇文章要先跟各位說一聲對不起!這麼久沒更新

6月底的時候因為畫圖很不順利 .那時候在畫DVA.我很久沒玩遊戲了.就想說玩玩看鬥陣特工.玩一下當作取材 .沒想到真的是很好玩.我有些迷上了.雖然我很快就知道我不能再玩了 .但是已經過了2.3禮拜.累積的罪惡感讓我更想逃避.那時候又看自己畫的非常差.種種壓力下 .讓我直到9月初才好不容易把生活拉回正軌.我很抱歉讓各位等了這麼久.也感謝繼續的支持我.你們是我最好的粉絲們 感謝你們 .我不會再玩了.盡力的完成我每一個月該給你們的交代.也希望往後你們繼續支持我.我跌倒了 感謝你們不離不棄.!我會繼續往更好的畫家前進! 給 我最愛的粉絲們.




Oh sweetheart, I still adore your arts it's so beautiful. I'm sorry I can not afford to support you but I love your art so much! I play overwatch too, it is very addictive!


Don't be too hard on yourself. We're all human and all your fans are just glad to have you back.


Hey man a break every now and then is good for u. Maybe post to the other sensitive peeps u taking a little break to avoid some leaving maybe:3 Anyway glad your back I look forward to seeing ,more of your beautiful pics, and I'm here to stay man, try not to worry about these things😎👍


We're all still here gtun, take a break whenever you need it. Sometimes we just need a little rest between artworks to make sure you're giving it your all.


long time no see


i was worry that something happened to you now iam glad that you are back. it's not a shame to take a break we are humans after all but it would be nice if you tell us so then we don't need to worry that much =33


不要给自己太大压力 一般面临一个看起来很可怕的任务 而且脑袋里还会想有的没的,我会尝试引诱自己 先从小的地方开始。


先专注于脚下的一步 不要想别的。当踏出第一步以后 就会发现其实没这么可怕。加油!


welcome back 歡迎回來


沒問題的 加油啊!!!!


Welcome back! Love to see you again.

Domi Schell

We will support you! Keep calm and draw on :o)