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Happy Thursday everyone! Two more episodes to goooooo. Click here to watchalong with me to Episode 21! I'll be sharing the final episode of the season first thing tomorrow morning.

Please enjoy and thanks for all your fun comments with this show! This experience is feeling so much like when I was watching The Clone Wars for the first time. I appreciate you all a lot!


✦ KL



Julian Calzada

It was great to see Coulson back to his old self geeking out over the vintage tech. The FitzSimmons cosplay at Cybertek was hilarious. I also loved how you thought "taking care of Buddy" meant taking care of Buddy. So innocent! Also, spoon feeding us these last four episodes feels like torture, are we sure you're not Hydra? :o Stoked for the finale!


They never specifically state in the show, but the showrunners said later, because a lot of people assumed Ward didn't kill Buddy the dog, that he actually did. They were juxtaposing that with the FitzSimmons present day situation that he does care, but that's why he couldn't look at them while he "pulled the trigger." He fired the gun so it'd run away from him and then he could snipe it. It was unclear though to the viewers. He said that it was a weakness in him. Like you said, no one is born evil, but Skye never said that. She just said he was evil. I think a lot of people put some mystical or otherworldly meaning to the word "evil," but it's not. I've thought that the best definition of it was one I actually heard on a TV show where a character said to woman who called her twin sister who was murdered deserving of it because of her decadent and evil lifestyle, he said "My grandmother always said that 'Evil was the lack of compassion.'" Shut the self-righteous sister down. It is in the choices we make and when those choices lack compassion or empathy, those can be viewed as evil. Ward, like the rest of us, is a product of all the people who taught & influenced him. Just because he could've been a good person once, doesn't mean that's what he turned out to be. He may be a pitiable character, but he isn't a "good" person. The best I can say about him is that he a messed up person and that was done to him when he was young and impressionable.