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Whew, just got done watching The Game Awards with Leslie. As soon as I recognized a certain piece of graffiti on a skateboard in a certain trailer, I was holding my breath. And then the reveal happened. The skates. Shibuya-cho. The Professor himself.  It was here. It finally happened.


I seriously fell off the couch screaming. I haven't had such a visceral reaction to a game reveal since... well, Shenmue 3, actually. But holy shit. HOLY SHIT. Not just Jet Set Radio, but a new Crazy Taxi, a new Streets of Rage, Shinobi, Golden Axe?! As webcomics' only diehard Sega fan, it was an overload to all my senses. And then not only that, but what looks to be an open-world Monster Hunter? Incredible stuff at this year's awards. Hell, even the awards they did actually dedicate time to (rare as it was) were pretty great. I really need to play Alan Wake II and Balder's Gate III.

See you on Monday!




I’m upset at that last joke 😂😂 I like these 2, they’re fun. Good chemistry