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Funny enough, Leslie reused this blue smokey effect from an earlier piece of Neopets fanart they did this week. Surely any building that emits Neopets smoke is safe!

We watched The Thing ('82) this week as our Halloween movie this week! To be honest, we haven't really been in much of a Halloween mood, but we decided to watch something spooky anyways in the spirit of the season. Since I've been scared to watch The Thing for all my life, we decided to watch that one. God DAMN, that's a good movie. Shit. Just the overwhelming sense of paranoia, and the EFFECTS. Incredible movie. Never going to watch it again.

See you on Friday, and happy Halloween!




There's a lot of green dust coming out of this room. I think this guy needs a vacuum cleaner


I’ve been doing 31 Days of RiffTrax Halloween this month, watching a different movie from their Halloween collection each night. It’s been a lot of fun. And once again, the two of you have created a great page. Fun dialog with wonderful fully realized characters and joyful art. Thanks.