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Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Leslie, everyone! Tomorrow, we'll get some delicious pad thai, go get a nice slice of cake from the grocery store and play video games. Maybe later in the week we'll take a trip out to the aquarium, but we'll see how things shake out. Leslie also wanted me to tell you that they got a Jubjub Neopet, which is a weird marble shaped Neopet with arms and legs. However, Leslie made its arms, legs, and face disappear, so it's now just a featureless orb.

It started off as this:

And Leslie has turned it into this:

I don't know why, but Leslie seems very happy to have this orb, so I am also happy. I think.

See you on Friday!

Edit: Added pictures of Leslie's neopet, which has honestly just made things more frightening in context. This Neopet has no mouth, but must scream.



Kam Kam

Happy birthday😆


I love the O R B. Protect the O R B