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So, big social media stuff happening this week. Not for us, mind you. Threads launched, but I hate Instagram and that's required to make an account. Everything I've seen from Threads sounds like being trapped in a shopping mall filled with people trying to engage in the most uncomfortable small-talk with anyone who will give them attention but the only people who respond are the various store employees waiting to segue into a sales pitch. There's more brands than people, and the few humans there have nothing to say.

The vibe of bluesky seems fun. Adult content is allowed, good community, great jokes. Wish I had an account. I was able to set-up a Slipshine account for work, but no personal account for me. I'm still on the fence on if I ever want to do a proper personal social media ever again. Even if I like popping off stupid jokes and shitposts, I can't say I ever enjoyed my time on twitter. I'm definitely happier not being on it. I'm engaging with more actual websites now and playing more video games rather than constant doomscrolling. But at the same time, the allure is still there.

I dunno. Ditching twitter made me realize how not important having a social media was to me personally. Thanks to your amazing support, we just advertise on newgrounds, tumblr and pillowfort because I personally just kinda like those sites. We don't really need to, they don't see a lot of traction (and never did, even on twitter). The free site does far more to bring in traffic than any social media site ever did. I kind of hope personal sites start springing up more in lieu of social media. Hell, I'm kind of tempted to add a "links" page to the Rock Cocks site to promote help promote some other places. Get a webring going or something. But then again, I'm also considering subscribing to Retro Gamer Magazine just to feel the sensation of getting a cool little gamer book every month in the mail. Maybe I'm just getting old.

See you on Monday!




personally ill just stick with twitter for now…

A Guy

Mastodon is ... not terrible? Though I dunno how friendly it is to adult art. Though I'd love to see a proper "awesome sexy comics webring," as it were. Ehem.


I tried Mastodon but after my first post, a mod DM'd me to tell me to hide all our future posts behind the NSFW warning wall and I dunno, that immediately just sorta turned me off

Justin Wood

Ouch. That's wild, but honestly it feels like social media as it exists is coming apart at the seams. If it's not some too rich for his own good dumbass running a website into the ground, it's another calling volunteer moderators "landed gentry". I think some form of mass communication is worthwhile, especially for keeping in touch regarding natural disasters, but maybe connecting all the conspiracy nuts and grifters together wasn't the smartest idea.

Justin Wood

That's our Suria! Good work Liz, though I wonder if Suria will return the favor~?


Liz making Suria cum so hard she's lost all her energy. Looks like sleep is back on the menu bois.


Critical hit

Richard J. Pugh

Liz just leveled up in Erotic Arts.


I'm hearing troubling things about BlueSky and their terms allowing them to use all submitted content for training AI and as samples for their AI products.


Social is making a shitshow but at least these pages have been absolute fire, keep it up <3


What about a Discord server? Channels for announcements, talking, pictures, NSFW, and you could control who joins and stays.


I understand how you feel about social media. I only have Twitter for 3 things, but once it implodes, I'm gone. I did sign up for Threads, but it seems like nobody knows what they can do or post on there yet. I don't think it'll be a safe haven for NSFW content creators and their fans, so I'll probably just use it for business. Blue Sky seems to be the go to, but I don't know anything about it. If anything I'll just wait and see what happens.


I kicked Twitter to the curb, and mostly Reddit too. I've been getting big into the fediverse, it's like a caravan of hippie busses except instead of weed we get high on open-source software and securing our data.


I just don't see the point in jumping from one billionaire's playground to another. Nothing prevents history from repeating itself if Jack catches whatever form of rich-boy syphilis devoured Elon's brain.

Clever Username TBD

I feel ya. Ditching Social Media was the best thing I ever did for my mental health. It would probably take a substantial payment to make me consider going back.




Yeah. I've had this same experience. When social media gets more out of you than you do of it, its time to leave. I will not support them with engagement. I'm only on fakebook because my best friend and some other jabronies are there. Facebook with less than 150 friends is the way.