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Hey everyone. Bit of a sad update and not my place to speak at length about it especially in the context of this Patreon, so please understand if I'm sparse on details.

Things unfortunately took a turn for the worse regarding the last update. We'll be attending a funeral this coming weekend, and as you could probably imagine, it's a bit difficult for us to work on a comic like this around an event like that. We will still have Patreon rewards finished and available on the 1st of the month, but the comic will be delayed until May 5th.

Thank you for all the kind words and support, we very much appreciate it. You all are seriously the best. See you soon with more comics!


Justin Wood

Like I said last time, take the time you both need, and we'll be here when you get back. Much love and all the respect in the world to both of you, and I'm sorry for the loss.


My most sincerest condolences to you both. Take all the time you need. We’ll be here when you get back.

Kam Kam

I’m sorry for your loss. Please take all the time you need

Jerry Wine

Condolences. No need to elaborate, we fully understand. Love and support.

Brittany Huckey

So sorry for your loss. Please take a break and what ever time you need for yourself.


Holy oof 😣. It sucks that this got dumped on y'all in such a way. May things look brighter in the future for you all 🙏


Condolences to you both and your family, I know from experience the loss of a family member and after the grief you'll know they'll never be fully gone for you'll always have the memories of the good times, take care and stay blessed

Hugo The Marvelous

I'm sorry for your loss. Be safe and do what you have to. We will wait. Hugs


So sorry. I know the community following you will respect the time you need to get back to normal. Stay solid.


Sorry for your loss. My condolences. Take all the time you need.


Condolence guys. I'm really sorry you have to go through this


Seeing all the love

Michael Butchin

I'm so sorry for your loss. May his memory be for a blessing.


Sorry for your loss, my condolences.


Deepest, heartfelt condolences. I hope you all find a little peace to recover and just be together for a bit. Sending love. 💕


take all the time you need. you have my condolences


So sorry for y’all’s loss. Take all the time you need. We’ll be here when you’re ready to come back.❤️

Erich Fiedler

Damn, first James A. Janise loses his dad, now this, I'm sorry for your loss


My condolences. Hugs & love


Sympathies and hugs from the Pod.

Aaron Crabtree

I'm sorry for your loss. I hope that this odd collection of people who support your art can give you some love and support.

Jude Deluca

Strength to both of you.


Ceep your time.