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Sorry guys. We're in a bit of a funk right now. We took our kitten Pickle in for a check-up, but the vet found some really troubling stuff. It could be a bloodborne pathogen, but the vet thinks there's a significant chance that it's FIPS, a feline coronavirus that has a 100% mortality rate. We've been on and off the phone with them as they run blood tests. He's apparently not regenerating red blood cells and is very anemic, so they gave us some steroids and antibiotics to see if that helps. We just have to keep at it with the medications throughout the weekend and see what happens by Monday.

We'll get an update to you as soon as we can!


Andrea Andrew

Best of luck to your pet. Hope you two stay healthy.


Sending love for you all 💕 I hope that the tests come back with more hopeful news. We're here and the comic can wait ❤


Fingers crossed it is the least serious option and he gets better soon.


Kitty care comes first, sending love and prayers for u and the little guy


May good vibes and good energy find you well 🙏 love and light to your kitty 🧡

Sable Szczeklik-Silvius

Don’t wory about us, all the love and good thoughts you guys and Pickle


Hugs to you and Leslie and little Pickle.


Take your time. Wishing you the best.


Well that is absolutely terrible news. Hoping Pickle pulls through.


Love up on Pickle for us. I hope he pulls through.


Hope the tests comeback with some good news. Pickles looks like such a sweetheart.


Sending love


Take as much time as you both need. Sending love in your direction.


That sucks big time, I hope the best for the cat.