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Thanks to eating at home more and exercising regularly, I'm happy to say that I've lost 25 lbs. since the start of the year! I've been doing a lot of treadmill incline walks as well as incorporating some hand weight routines to tone my arms and get some STRENGTH. And it's been paying off! I tell you, JRPGs on the Switch is the best motivator for hitting the treadmill. Could walk for hours if given the chance. Now that Persona 5 is out on the Switch, I may end up with superpowers by the time I've beaten it. At least I'll have legs strong enough to crush melons, for sure. Don't worry, I'll take pictures.

See you on Monday!



Volant Caedis

Point of no return? Very ominous.


Congrats on the weight loss. Jrpgs on the switch? Something I'll have to try 😅 Point of No Return huh?


Congratulations on all the weight loss! 25 lbs isn't easy, glad it's all been paying off :D

Justin Wood

Well, the good vibes had to end eventually, I guess. Suria's expression certainly seems pissed off. On the topic of weight loss, congrats! As someone who's been teetering on the edge of optimal body weight for years now, I know how hard it can be to be mindful and maintain self control. Best wishes to you!


I wonder if that dream she had of the six of them playing together has her thinking how much bigger their sound can be.


It's always easier to put the weight on than it is to take it off. Congrats!


Cute with the chaptet title imprinted on the wooden stair-steps.

Richard J. Pugh

I suspect the upcomig vid call with Seth is going to get heated.