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Here's this month's pin ups! Click here to see all the previous pics!

This was originally going to be our theme for September, but we realized it worked way better as an October pin up. We REALLY also just wanted to put Steg in a nurse outfit. Leslie's also been playing around with VCR visual effects in cute little horror-themed pieces on their twitter, so we wanted to incorporate some of these elements into this piece. Would you guys like more pin ups like this in the future, with two characters in a single piece plus alts? Let us know!

See you on Monday with the return of Rock Cocks!




This is fun. Love the VCR effect in the saucy version. I have no objection to having two or more characters in a single image plus alt versions. It might even be more fun since you can have characters playing off each other.


As much as I love the style, the needle makes it so it's not my favorite. Like it's an IRL nightmare.

Erich Fiedler

Fuck yeah, I'm down for sexy alts


Hellooooo Nurses!