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We're back! And we're not alone, either! We were surprised to find a stray kitten just out in our yard this morning. We live deep in the woods, so I imagine one of the stray cats just birthed him out here and the poor thing's been stranded on his own. He didn't even fight back when Leslie tried to pick him up. He did attempt to run away, but he ended up just coming back. We've already taken him to a vet to get him cleaned up and check his health. Poor thing's not even 6 weeks old! We're still waiting to hear some test results, but otherwise, he seems to be okay. He's got his own spot in our bathroom right now. We've named him...Pickle.

The bigger concern right now is whether or not our chihuahua Bruce will be okay with a guest. That dude's riddled with a million anxiety issues, so I dunno how he'll take to having a roommate. We'll just have to see.

Also, I just want to say thanks for all the comments on the last post before our break. I don't really want to go into more details about the whole situation. It hasn't been an easy week, especially with what a week it's been for similar events. But...thank you so much, everyone. Your words meant everything to us. More than you could ever know.

See you on Monday!



Ryuzaki Raven

im glad you are all okey <3 Oh! Hey there Pickle. its so cute!! i hope Bruce will take him in <3 look forward to see updates on how it goes with them <3


Is the washing machine really that tall or are they really that short? And are we discovering a new kink of Dakota’s?

Oli Platt

1) CALLED IT!! I can wait to see what happens next! 2) PICKLE!!! What a beautiful little bean! My dog also has horrible anxiety and she took very well to having a cat around. So here's hoping it's the same to you all! 3) you don't owe us any explanation. Seriously, i think i can speak for at least a majority of us when i say that we understand that that kind of traumatic event takes time and space to heal from. And that often times needs to happen privately and offline. Thank you for being so open about how you're feeling. Take all the time and space you need, my friends!


Maybe Pickle can be your puppy's emotional support buddy? Either way, what a precious baby!!!! You don't have to apologize for your need for a break. We all obviously appreciate you letting us know what's going on, but the mental health of our artists and creators is what really matters. We love you <3 (And please keep us posted on the story of Pickles)




First off, Dakota is totally getting off on this. Secondly, OMG PICKLEEEEEE! Third, hey, yall take as much time as ya need! Even if it was longer we still would’ve supported y’all in it! 🧡


Pickle could be a welcome new member of your family!


Dakota oof, and PICKLEEEEEEEEEEEE I love them already


Maybe Bruce could use a friend. Dogs are pretty friendly towards kittens, maybe he’ll help


“Day two: the infiltration proceeds as planned. I have already begun suborning the humans’ will. The stupid canine is a thornier issue. May have to drug his kibble. Report ends.”

Chris Crowther

A slightly unusual doggy style.


Dakota has service top vibes