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Hey guys, sorry to hit you with bad news today. Our dog got a bit worse over the weekend, so we've scheduled a vet for Monday. We think it may be some form of hip paralysis, because he's definitely having issues moving around. I've just been on the couch with him all weekend, trying to keep him company. He used to be able to jump on and off the couch, but sadly, looks like those days are over (even though he doesn't know it and still tries if we don't get to him in time, even though he never makes it and just beefs it).

We should know what's up by tomorrow and we'll have a new page for you guys on Friday, alongside next month's Patreon rewards. Leslie's been fooling around with some new tools while I've been comforting the dog and holy shit, this month's pin ups are going to look INCREDIBLE.

We'll let you know how things turn out. See you then!


Bailey Tighe

Oh, man... I really hope he's able to feel a bit better after the vet visit.


Hope everything goes okay with Bruce tomorrow and he feels better soon!


Take care of the fur baby, we can wait.


Sending love for the family <3


I'm real sorry you furry baby is having troubles :( Take all the time you need!


There's absolutely no need to apologise. A dog is as much loved part of the family as anyone else. I hope the vet visit finds something easily treatable

Fred Baker

Your pupper's health is paramount. See you on Friday, and in the meantime, best wishes.


Poor Bruce. :( I hope he will be right as rain soon.


😭😭😭😭 poor puppy....


Poor puppers. Bruce is the goodest of good dogs.


Take time for who you love, we can wait . Family health first

John lee lewis

Take your time, guys. Take care of that sweet baby first. Waiting a little longer for an update won’t kill any of us.