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A NEW CHALLENGER APPEARS! I really think this page came out great, Leslie really fucking nailed these expressions and colors. Elizabeth and Steg look so cute!

But enough about that. I know what you're all here for.


I'm pleased to announce that the roof is now COMPLETE!

WE DID IT! WE HAVE A FUNCTIONING BACK DECK, BABY! All built entirely by our hands (and lots of help from Leslie's cool dad)! It's not ENTIRELY complete. It still needs railings, proper stairs, gutters, and of course some furniture and lights...but man, I'm so happy with how it came out. It's such a nice view out there, and on cool spring days like this, it's just so nice to sit out there and relax. I seriously can't wait until we have a couch so I can take my laptop and write whole chapters out there.

Definitely need a break from construction, though. My bones are aching, my back is killing me, I'm just exhausted. Sheet metal is so heavy! And though I'm not really afraid of heights, I AM afraid of ladders. They're so unstable, and it was terrifying trying to balance on those rickety things so high up while trying to screw down the roof at all these bad angles. But hey, it's over now, never gotta do it again. Let's hope, anyways!

Thanks so much for your support, everyone! See you on Friday!




While I knew it was going to end up the way it did, I'm still sad. In other news, that deck looks great! And it's high off the ground so it hopefully won't get taken out by flood waters.

Eric R S Castillo

Love how Elizabeth has priorities 😅


That Steg Butt. Nice and Meaty like the rest of him.


Wow, that back deck rocks my cock! Good job, y'all!!

Bailey Tighe

Congrats on completing the main deck!! It looks awesome!


🤧💗 I love how chill and understanding Steg is, he's such a sweetheart. Poor Lizzie, she's just still a tad too new to this level of openness and vulnerability so it IS intimidating and panic inducing. She'll learn tho ♡ that's what I love most about this comic, it always feels like it's building towards healthier understanding and appreciation for things normally obfuscated and kept taboo. It's such a beautiful and thoughtful and FUN frickin adventure to watch unfold 💞 Thanks for making such a lovely world and story we get to enjoy and grow with 💝


Another cute and typical Lizzie page, also Congrats on your back deck it looks really good and excited to know what kind of chapters you'll make from writing back there


They're all naked all right, but why that previous unexpected boner, tho...? Control yourself, Steg! 😅🤣🤣🤣


Something tells me Dakota would be willing to help with one of those things.


I mean, between morning wood, being naked in public, and having someone attractive, who is also naked, actively staring at it. It's gonna happen.


Poor Liz. You'll get used to naked conversations eventually!


And now the real conversation begins

Chris Crowther

Well, she did want to masturbate...