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Have you ever seen anything COZIER?! We really wanted to give this particular scene a whole page just to soak in. I really love how every single bit of this came out. The characters, the lighting, the whole messy arrangement of blankets and pillows. Leslie did such an amazing job! Seriously, Leslie is just the fucking best, I swear.

See you on Monday!




Such beautiful bodies and cute cosiness on display! One of many reasons I love this comic <3

Daniel S

"He's adorable and also WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES"


Dakota looks extra gorgeous in this omg, Elizabeth's reaction is v relatable 🥺💕


This is adorable. But I'm also a little concerned Dakota is still wearing that binder. It cannot smell good at this point.

Volant Caedis

Hey I sleep naked in a similar position to Suria! Really airs out the boys. Everyone should sleep naked!




Homies! Seriously love your work and love what you’re doing with this incredible story. I’m also realizing that I can’t remember if we’ve ever seen Dakota without his binder on— which is totally legit, but also, is there any chance you’ve ever considered having Dakota address binder safety? You’re never supposed to sleep in a binder because it can cause long-term damage to your ribs— I, myself, am transmasculine and haven’t been able to bind in months while I recover from that sort of damage. Even just having him off-handedly mention that it’s a loose binder specifically made for safely sleeping in, or having him mention that it’s dangerous and that he didn’t mean to fall asleep with it on could do other transmasculine members of your audience a world of good. Thanks for reading!


(Oop! It can also damage your lungs. I’m typing on a phone and can’t scroll around to edit the middle of my comments, for some reason.)


I love that Dakota has managed to keep his alien heads blanket. With so many bodies vying for bedding in such a small space, that must have been quite a challenge.


They really are the best 💜💜 keep it up, Leslie


I really hope Dakota’s just wearing a tight bra while sleeping, not a binder 😩


Cue a freakout in 3...2...1...


This dude is gonna suffer so much chest pain.


Good spot. Wearing a binder all the time and especially sleeping in one is dangerous and can lead to cracked ribs for eg. Would be good if they could reference this and build it into the story