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With Track 15 over, I've updated our wallpaper selection with a huge loaf of 54 brand new wallpapers! We've got beautiful nature scenery, romantic moments between two particular fan favorites, and our most extremely explicit wallpapers ever made! Like seriously, there's some straight-up LEWD shit in this. I can't imagine who will use them for your computer background but if you do, my god, you are INCREDIBLY cool and brave and unbelievably horny.

But seriously, I had a lot of fun putting these together and even got creative with a few of them (specifically the Elizabeth stripping wallpaper). Leslie's art just makes for some incredible backgrounds. Even if you don't use them for your own background, I hope you'll look at 'em and just get an appreciation for the amazing amount of work Leslie puts into this comic.

Thanks again everyone! Onwards to Track 16!

(Note: I'd like to make the fanpack/wallpapers available for all patrons, but since these contain spoilers that the free version hasn't gotten to yet, this will be locked to $5+ Patrons. Once the free site has caught up, this'll be made available to everyone!)




You two are the best and I'm serious about that. You both work so hard to give us this fun sexy story, and then you throw in monthly bonus comics and wallpapers, and let's face it, that's already a lot. But then you go beyond to giving us all this extra content and my feeble brain can't even comprehend how hard you work for us loyal horndogs. In complete sincerity, thank you.


I see what you mean about some wallpapers being too hot to use but, tempting, isn't it?


i work at geek squad. I've seen some..."creative" and "interesting" wallpapers on some client computers.