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Today on our first official break day, we finished the first page of the next Rock Cocks chapter! We decided to do something a little different from this track on and incorporate the track titles into the comic pages themselves. No more big black pages with just the title on them like this. What do you think? Like it better this way? Let us know!

Don't worry, we're not going to spam your inbox every day with updates. We figured we'd just post the cool shit. See you again soon!




Definitely do this from now on. It's more pleasing to look at, especially since it's a cover. It gives room for imagination as to how their travels are going and what they're doing in between, and it's considerably more engaging even though it's just a cover. So yea, keep it up!


You can spam my inbox every day with updates!


Yeah, this works better, I think. Gives more impact.


Oh god, its so great, and for me, it looks much better. You should do It for future chapters and... I cant wait for sixth