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Here's this month's Singles comic! Click here to read all the previous comics!

So, my birthday is on the 22nd of this month, which usually means it either falls directly on Thanksgiving, or it falls close enough to the point where it makes more sense to just do Thanksgiving with a side of birthday cake than it would to get my family together for two events so close in proximity. Which sucks, cause I'm not that big a fan of Thanksgiving food. So this year, I'm taking the whole month and making all our Patreon rewards birthday-themed, baby! FUCK IT!

I do really like writing Billy and Emily though, I think they have a real fun dynamic. I need to do another chapter just focusing on those two again. Or at least just more Singles comics with them.

$10 Patrons, look out for another post coming up in a moment! And if you all in the $5 tier want to see some more super sexy birthday-themed pin ups (plus all the previous pin ups), just up your pledge any time here in November to get those pin ups! Offer's good throughout the month, so no rush.

See you on Friday!



Justin Wood

Been a while since we've seen Rocket Roller. On the one hand, I wouldn't give up what we've been enjoying for anything, but on the other, I imagine there's plenty of development in store for them down the road outside of just "The rival band".


We have the same birthday, you and me!


Was she born in her skates?