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Whew...When it literally rains, it figuratively pours. So we just got back home from our hurricane evacuation...only for a tropical storm to come in and just flood our shit again. No damages, don't worry, we managed to move our car to higher land before it got too bad. But we were stranded for a bit, as our house turned into a bit of an island. Ended up eating some more military rations. Those things are pretty neat, and surprisingly filled with snacks. Everything's dried up now, but to make matters even more stupid, I ended up throwing out my back. Our trash can got REAL heavy after having to throw away all of our fridge food, not to mention all the rain water and previous trash that was in there. It easily got up to 150 lbs. Then attempting to drag that up a 1,000 ft. gravel driveway...Well, not attempt, I did it. But I sure as hell suffered for it. Been sitting with a heating pad all day.

Man, I'm sorry these last few Patreon updates have just been real fucking bummer shit. If it helps, we do read every single comment here, and seeing you all get hyped as hell for this scene and these characters really does put a pep in our steps. Thanks again for your support, patience, and understanding. Shit might be rough right now, but making this comic and seeing your reactions is always the highlight of our week. Thank you all so much!

See you on Monday!




Awwh. The true moms of the group


I love this so much! Clover and Coral are seriously some of the best written nudists in any media I've seen in a long time. I'm seriously impressed by how aware they are about giving what they call "gentle nudges" (great term BTW) while giving clear and informed consent. Keep up the good work. I once yelled "Shut up and take my money!" at seeing your patreon, and haven't regretted it since.

Nellie B

The first panel is beautiful


When I joined this patreon it was because I was excited every time I knew a new page would publicly be out and I wanted the "in" of the soon to be pages before the plebs. What I didn't expect was coming to enjoy the people behind it. Now I'm not suggesting a friendship, since we don't REALLY know each other, but I've come to care for you guys as people on top of the creators for this comic. I adore you both for your personalities and your talent to create an amazing story filled with such intriguing and loving characters. Life has handed you some REAL hard hands the past few years but in the end you never fail to come out swinging and winning the battle. Thank you for doing what you do and bringing such an amazing world into life for us to read. I don't know how long Rock Cocks will last, but I'll be here every step of the way. You can count on that. (unless my bank account explodes....) 💙💙💙


That’s what I love about C+C, too. They’re encouraging Elizabeth to explore her limits, but making sure they’re not pushing her beyond her limits. They’re making sure whatever Elizabeth does or doesn’t do, it’s because that’s what Elizabeth wants, with no judgment on their part.


Honestly, the care you both put into clear consent and the establishing of characters boundaries as they explore is so healthy and wholesome. All of these characters are so human to read and I'm obsessed 🥺 I hope you feel better!! ❤ Glad ya'll are safe!

Trekkie Monster

I'm glad CloCo realize that Elizabeth is precious and must be protected at all costs, but I'm even more glad that they took time to offer support to someone who's new to the rock star lifestyle of casual nudity and sex every day. Elizabeth's face in the lower right panel is a perfect mix of "yes, I do want to try" and "aaaaaaaaaaaa"


I love CloCo for them. And it’s much shorter than what I was thinking of going with: C+C Nudist Factory.


Brad how many times are you going to injure yourself??? Pls be more careful 😩


PLEASE I didn’t even realize we could leave comments until this post because I’ve only ever read the posts thru my email


I am L I V I N G for Elizabeth’s arc rn and have been ever since she and Suria first began to really connect and get along; it’s what made me *need* to join the patreon—. I literally couldn’t wait to see how her storyline would build. And I love, love, love where y’all’ve been taking it!


Elizabeth has been my favourite character since the start. Shes sweet, soft and new to the world of rock and roll! I think this arc is well earnt for her after recent chapters.


this page is so beautiful!


^agreed, this page is incredible through and through. I love everyones’ facial expression and the lighting in the scene. I think you might have to move Coral’s ring over one finger though.

A Guy

I, of course, love the naked people pictures (and I've been waiting weeks for Liz to just get naked already!), but it's also good to hear updates from you guys! Like, there's almost a certain charm to living alone on an island and drawing sexy pictures, but it's probably not as fun in reality. Also, on the MRE thing, there's a surprisingly interesting Youtube channel about a guy who just eats and reviews MRE's from around the world. It's fascinating stuff-- even though I've heard the guy hangs out with some shitty people, which is a shame.

Justin Wood

I'd like to join in to say that part of the reason I've been Patron for so long, and upped my pledge to help with you two getting the house and all, was because I support both of _you_. Sure, getting to see goofy and hot comics in advance of the public and getting monthly pinups is nice, but I genuinely support both you and Leslie. I'm looking forward to seeing you both online for Endwalker this November, I imagine, and it always puts a smile on my face to spot you hanging around Limsa. I'd rather know what's been happening than just get a "Here's the new page, see you on Monday/Friday!"


They're really nice giving Elizabeth this opportunity. 😍
