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Oh man, Leslie and I have been kicking ASS with our workouts! We’ve caught out most of our unnecessary snack foods, started eating a bunch of healthier options, set up a food schedule to follow every week, and we’ve been working out every single day! I feel like I fell off pretty hard last time because I was pushing myself too hard for too long, so I’m burning a steady 500 calories a day rather than the 700-1000 I was pushing for. I’ve also been reincorporating weights and other exercises before my treadmill runs. Gotta lose weight! Gotta get toned up!

See you on Monday!




Jesus steg has a massive hog


Aye a page focusing on my two favorite BBBs = Big Beautiful Babes, love it


I love seeing these two! We need more Steg Butt.


Oh god pls is it firelight sexy time