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Hey guys! No update just yet, I'm afraid, we're still hard at work on the next page. Buuuut we just wanted to say thank you all for helping us reach our $2000 milestone!

Now, you might be thinking "Wait, didn't we hit $2k last month?". And well, yes and no. We ended up with a few dropped pledges last month, which meant we didn't quite hit $2k (we also had to pay taxes last month, so no computer yet). BUT! This month, we had a bunch of new Patrons (350 of you guys!), and pretty much all of you stuck around for us, so we did it! WE HIT THE BIG $2k! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Thank you all for your amazing, fantastic support! Thank you all for the pledges, messages, asks, emails, tweets, comments, critiques, fan art, fan fics, cosplays, everything! We couldn't ask for better fans! You're all WONDERFUL! THANK YOU!

We thought we'd give you a preview of the next page Leslie's currently working on, so here it is in fully penciled glory! Be warned: lots of Elizabeth nudity!

This month, we'll finally be getting Leslie a new computer, so we thought we'd run the details by you guys first since it's something you all personally contributed to! We'll be getting this pre-built gaming computer off of Newegg. I know, I know, I'm sure some of you are rolling your eyes at the idea of a pre-built, but it's a good price and really, we can't waste too much time with computer assembly right now. We need to roll over to the new computer as soon as possible so we don't miss a beat in our comic production. Why a gaming PC? Because a gaming PC would definitely be able to run all the programs Leslie would need. Why this particular one? Because it's comparable enough to my own computer, which definitely runs all those programs. We're also going to be saving up for a new tablet (a yiynova), so we need a beefier computer for that. Leslie doesn't really play PC games so it's not like she needs top-tier ultra-settings graphics for shit. We just need something beefy enough to run multiple intensive programs and display on a drawing tablet, so we think a starter gaming PC would be fine. The computer itself is $600, will probably need a wifi card, we've got our eye on a $130 monitor to go with it (one that can actually display accurate colors, unlike her current computer), and we'll just need to see what else it'll end up needing. If you guys have any thoughts, any recommendations or anything regarding this computer stuff, let us know! We'd love to have your input!

Thank you all again for everything! Rewards will be going out later tonight, and you can expect a fully inked and colored page within the next day or so! See you guys real soon!

PS. For new Patrons who don't want to scroll and find it, here's the link for the

Rock Cocks Vintage Collection!



Thanks. I've been meaning to pledge for a while now. I adore your work you guise <3


The PC is not the best out there, but it's a good option for that money, also it can be upgraded later on, so it's ok. As a basic thumb rule, more ram and cpu cores accounts for more simultaneous software running, while more cpu ghz, ram speed and a faster hard drive (ssd) stands for a faster experience on each separate software. As far as the video card, the newer the better, but it's the same as the cpu, more ghz equals faster things, more ram equals more things on screen. It's a bit more complex than that but it's a good start without having to get extra nerdy


PS: the monitor is also a good one, no need for anything fancier than that :)