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Gotta skip tonight's post, I'm afraid. We wanted to get it done earlier, but we needed to watch Leslie's niece this weekend. We figured we could get it finished today, but...well, my back tooth exploded. I bit into a burger and the tooth was just destroyed. The remaining bit of tooth is so broken and jagged that I can't move my tongue getting sliced. Like even swallowing hurts. Every dentist office is closed for July 4th, so I basically just have to endure and be really careful until I can hopefully get a walk-in removal tomorrow.

Both Leslie and I have kind of feeling nauseous, both from bad burger and from pre-medical emergency anxiety. Neither of us are feeling up to finishing the page tonight, unfortunately. It's hard to say exactly how our week will go with this (Leslie also wants to get their teeth checked out after this nightmare), but we SHOULD be back for the next update on Friday. I'll let you know how it goes. Until then, I'm just going to like, lay down on the couch and maybe have a bowl of soup or something. Wish me luck! 



Take care of yourselves!


Holy moly that sounds painful. Take care of yourselves, i hope for a speedy recovery :(


Holy shit, hope you guys feel better.


That sounds so painful! Please take care of yourself


The rare condition known as exploding teeth I see...

Andrea Andrew

I’m sorry to hear that. As someone who’s missed a yearly dental checkup and had a filling done before the pandemic, I hope you’re able to get the treatment you need.


Take care. :(

Justin Wood

Please don't apologize, the timeliness of our regularly scheduled rock and roll comic is absolutely the furthest thing from my mind at the moment. We're behind you as always, so try to take it easy!


wishing you a speedy recovery, I've also been dealing with dental stuff so I can understand that medical anxiety- I hope when you (and Leslie too) are able to be seen by a dentist that they are gentle and kind 🌻


Good luck


I hope you feel better!


some ER will remove teeth like that, but normally its only found in major hospitals; but a lot of ER will hand out pain meds for that to get you to tomorrow

Michael Butchin

That's horrible! I hope you recover quickly! Never mind about this week's work. 😫

Dale Gilbert

Oh no!😱 Hope you get to feeling better. Take all the time you need to heal. We can wait.

Clever Username TBD

Get to feeling better, we will be here when you recover. Don't rush.




Hey no worries y’all no worries. Here’s hoping to a speedy recovery and a smooth tooth removal! Y’all got dis!


oh shucks, get well an ddon't worry about us this week <3

Daniel S

The hell was in that burger? Feel better!


Hope you feel better soon and if possible go to the ER since some do have emergency dentist for this reason.

Jim Avery

Oh hell. I hope you can get it fixed soon! Take all the time you need!

Oliver Down

Get well soon! 🧡🧡🧡


I'm so sorry, that's happened to me before and it's horrible. Remember acetaminophen and ibuprofen are safe to take together because they don't react. Just take the recommended doses. Stay away from hot and cold beverages, and avoid eating tomorrow, you may get an emergency referral to an oral surgeon to get it pulled immediately and may want to be knocked out for it


Shit... that sounds horrible. Hope they can see you first thing.


Take care of yourself.

Maelwys Myrddin

Take care of yourselves, I hope everything is handle as quickly and painlessly as possible.


Oof. Take care of yourselves. Thank you for keeping us updated but really. We can wait. Sending lots of healing thoughts your way.


Best of luck!


Take care yall. You're people before you're artists.


Ya know.. That happened to me on new years and it was General Tso's chicken. DX

Ben Burch

OUCH. I hope they can set this right quickly for you.


Please take as much time as you need ! Wishing you the best with your health 💙

Volant Caedis

Please take care guys! Your health is top priority always!

John lee lewis

That hurt just reading it. Take care of yourself dude. We love your comic but it won’t kill us to go a week or two without it. Get yourself all patched up, get some rest, hell go on a vacation. We’ll be here when you get back.


I know them feels, good luck bud


Youch! Glad my dental care kicks in this month been 5 years since I have been to a dentist. Take care