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Ugggghhhh, this week has been MISERABLE. It’s been raining nonstop every single day. Our yard’s completely flooded. A lot of places in the states are underwater. We’re basically waterlogged out here. It’s a miracle we still have electricity, but we’ve been stuck here all week. Definitely could be worse for sure, but god, it’s just been so dreary. We haven’t seen the sun in a WEEK. OUR MILK IS GOING BAD, LET US OUT.

See you on Monday!




it sucks that you guys have bad weather over there, where i live its unusually hot rn and im practically boiling alive in my appartment.


All the snow finally melted today where I live if that makes you feel any better.

Jim Avery

I'm liking Dakota's expression right about now.


Man Dakota is crushing HARD for Liz. I’m so hyped for the shipability of these two.


Wholesomeness 100


fuck yeah, i read these on my underwear for better immersion in teh story