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Man, it’s been raining nonstop these past 3 days. Our yard is COMPLETELY flooded. It’s only finally starting to let up, but our poor old dog Bruce has been cooped up inside all this time with only the quickest, umbrella-covered trip to his favorite bathroom spots on our driveway. We need to shit to dry so we can go get our taxes done tomorrow.

ALSO, WE CAN GET OUR VACCINE ON MONDAY! Or at least get an appointment started to eventually get our vaccine. BUT EVERYONE IN LOUISIANA CAN GET A VACCINE ON MONDAY! Holy SHIT, there’s a fucking LIGHT at the end of this tunnel. We’re still going to wear masks and stay indoors until we have way higher numbers for people vaccinated here but jesus christ I’m so happy I could cry. I have heard the vaccine knocks your ass out for a day, so we’ll let you know if that’s going to affect getting a comic out.

See you on Friday!





I thought today was Friday🤔🤔🤔


So happy for y'all! I just got my first vaccine today, and my arm is super sore, but that's the worst of it!

Eric R S Castillo

I notice they post early the night before, maybe its a time zone difference from where I'm from.


I’ve been trying to get my vaccine up here in WA, but no luck so far. I’m gonna try again in April. I love these two bonding over kinky shit. C’mon, Elizabeth. Claw your way out of that shell.


I hope those of us who caught the virus can still get it early enough


Yay vaccines! I got the J&J about a week and a half ago. I got it in conjunction with being a grocery worker. Definitely hit me pretty hard the first 24 hours but I’d do it again if that means I’m helping keep people safe!