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A new reward for EVERYONE! Here's an entire collection of Rock Cocks panels straight from the comic itself, resized for 1920 x 1080p resolution! 

In my deep dive for ad assets in Rock Cocks print files, I saw a LOT of panels that looked like they'd be good for straight-up backgrounds on my desktop. I found 146 of them, to be exact. So while I was making crops, I figured I'd also make some wallpapers for you all! So here they are, an assortment of wallpapers taken across track 1-14 of The Rock Cocks! We've uploaded them all individually, but you can also download a .rar file for the whole collection!

This was actually slightly more difficult than you think. We never really intended Rock Cocks for WIIIIIDE view or even to be seen at a higher resolution, so our panels are always going to be a bit more vertical. Most characters got a chance to shine in these wallpapers, though sadly, Redd didn't appear in any wide-shot panels where she didn't have a booty on her face. We're definitely gonna have to fix that in a future chapter. Still, there's a lot of good stuff here, ranging from really cool action shots, moody environmental scenes, some comedic moments, and of course, some SUPER lewd wallpapers for you braver perverts. They're even chronologically ordered by their appearance in the comic, so you can chart the journey of Rock Cocks thus far in wallpaper form!

I'm really happy with how this whole collection came out. Seeing these Rock Cocks shots laid out like this just feels really cool. Seeing all the various emotions, moods, and settings Leslie's been able to convey throughout the comic is just amazing to me. They've done such a wonderful job at making beautiful, wallpaper-worthy art across so many chapters and pages and characters. I couldn't be happier with this comic, and I'm so excited to make even more.

Let us know what you think! See you soon with even more!




I kinda miss that van.


These are awesome thank you!


These are soooo good! I can always use more sexy and glorious backgrounds. Thank you for taking the time to do it.


Oh wow, seeing that Suria with brown hair feels absolutely crazy! She’s come such a long way as have you guys, thank you for bringing out the memories 🤍


These are awesome and beautiful. So much detail! Thanks!


Love the wallpapers. I’m already using #32 (Elizabeth watching the night fall while chilling in Redd’s pool with her iPod and several beers) as a wallpaper for my iPad. Yeah, the iPad is 4:3 but you don’t lose much by trimming that image to fit. it’s interesting you bring up the orientation of the comic. Almost every webcomic artist is still creating in portrait mode because that’s how books (especially comic books) are created. But we’re reading them mostly on computer monitors which are in landscape mode. So there’s a disconnect in how they’re created and how they’re viewed. Decrypting Rita by Margaret Trauth is one of the very few I can think of that takes full advantage of computer monitors being in landscape. https://egypt.urnash.com/rita/chapter/01/ I’m not suggesting that RC needs to be changed in any way. This is just something that’s been on my mind lately.


Except I sometimes read on my phone and recently I got an 8" tablet for reading comics specifically. And at least on a computer or a phone/tablet, scrolling down to see a portrait-sized page is easy and intuitive. Scrolling left/right is a pain! (Or more likely, if something is too wide it'll be resized to fit and you'll have to zoom in and then scroll left/right. Even worse.) Even text (like reading an e-book or just reading articles) that could technically be viewed using a full monitor from one side to the other is usually put into a much smaller column for better readability. I think for anything we have to read (not videos or purely pictures) we have to keep the words contained in a limited space.