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HAPPY NEW YEAR AGAIN! Click here for an archive of the previous pin ups! 

Leslie LOVES drawing impractical clothing. Elizabeth came out so cute in this one! Dakota's clothes aren't quite as impractical, but we've been dying to draw him in a packer. The lewd mood lighting is also just really nice. There's just something really nice about cozy, sexy winter themes, you know? Gotta be a little cold so that warming up can feel even better!

See you soon with a new page!




Got my new desktop image! (Blessed be for more Lizzie content. :D) And yes, Dakota = boy. ✔


trans boy ✌️


But in the previous chapters, Dakota appears to be a girl. You know, because of what he had between his legs ... or he didn't have between his legs ... Heck, what an OoO spoiler


I'm going to respond in the hopes that you get an email notification with my full message, but I'll be deleting this whole comment thread shortly after. Apologies if I seem testy, but I really wish I didn't have to constantly reiterate what it means to be trans and I don't want to expose our own trans fans to more people confused by their existence. Gender isn't tied to what set of genitals you were born with. Dakota presents himself as a man because that's what he identifies himself as. That's all there is to it. Thank you for supporting us, but I would like to ask you not to remake this post once I delete it. Please enjoy the comic with this new information.


Great images. The colors on the Elizabeth image reminds me of a pervy Richard Scarry Busytown book.

Opus the Poet

Love Dakota exercising his true self.