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Hey everyone! Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas! Unfortunately, we weren't able to do a Rock Cocks tonight. The cancellation (or lack of cancellation, in my own family's case) of Christmas events has really bummed us out this holiday and we've been kind of in a funk all day. BUT! This evening we marathoned like, 4 Christmas specials in a row (Klaus, Mickey's Christmas Carol, Marge Be Not Proud, A Nightmare Before Christmas, and 5 minutes of the Jim Carrey Grinch before Leslie hid the remote from me) and we're in a much better mood now. Please, even if you're not seeing anyone and ESPECIALLY if you're not, please just take some time to enjoy yourself. Send your friends a gift online, message someone to tell them how much they've meant to you this year, call your family (who aren't having big Christmas get-togethers what the FUCK), and make plans for 2021. 

From the two of us here to all of you amazing people, thank you all so much. Have as merry a Christmas as you can, and look forward to bigger brighter Christmases we can all celebrate together. Rock Cocks will be back on Monday and we can't wait to bring more fun sexy goodness to you all for many more years to come!

See you on Sunday!



glad to hear you guys are doing well for the most part and don't worry about not putting something out tonight im sure everyone understands so just make sure you enjoy your holidays and come back whenever you are ready :)


Merry Christmas! It sure doesn't feel like its Xmas and im depressed as shit but knowing you two are being safe and responsible makes me happy! I look forward to the update whenever it happens and I hope yall get to relax and enjoy yourselves!


Happy Christmas to you both too! 🙂⛄🎁🎄❄


Merry Christmas! I hope you have a good day too


Merry Christmas guys! Glad you two were able to get back into the spirit. I hope your holidays are wonderful and I'm looking forward to another year of y'all's art!


Merry Chritmas!


Merry Christmas! Thank you for continuing to make create this amazing story!


Merry Christmas to you both and thank you for another year of crazy, sexy, and fun times. <3


Merry Christmas, you two.


Merry Christmas!