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Did a bunch of game work, got a bunch of Slipshine work done, and even wrote a bunch of Rock Cocks this weekend! We even voted in a local election and went grocery shopping! Very, very productive week. NO MORE, I SAY! I’m VEGGING OUT tomorrow! Truth be told, I tell myself this all the time, and then end up working anyways. Somebody come knock me out.

See you on Friday!

Update: Typo FIXED! Thanks for pointing it out!




It's always darkest before the dawn.

Mobius Scarf

"It's not like we have Melody anymore to fall back on anymore." Oops! One too many anymores!

Zain Redding

Alright elizabeth time to shine.

Ben Burch

If said in German accent would make sense from a non native speaker.


I like how interesting this got and how weirdly attracted to Seth’s former Secretary I am now that she is more than a c-tier character.

Mobius Scarf

I mean, except Coral's from Arkansas. Clover's the one from Berlin.


First off: HAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR! Second: I completely forgot she had something to do with them losing the motel...