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Hey guys,

I hate to do this, but within the next couple of days, we're going to be removing the ability to comment on Rock Cocks pages. While we appreciate the massive amount of support we've received through the comments, we also don't want to play host to in-fighting, cynicism, and insults.

I'm very sorry to do this, as this is something you guys had voted on enabling, and I don't want to give you the idea that we will just willfully ignore your requests in the future. Your requests are incredibly important to us, I can't stress that enough. But the last thing I want is for the comments on our porn adventure comic to be filled with arguing and nitpicking. We don't want the comments to detract from the reader's experience or our own, and I'll be honest with you, these comments would just straight-up make us dread posting updates.

We always appreciate feedback, messages, tweets, asks, anything. We DO listen to criticism and we often go back to edit pages because of feedback. But for our own sake and for many readers, we just have to close off this one avenue. Thank you very much for understanding and for your amazing support.

A new page will be coming up later this week. See you then!



On one hand 'aw'. On the other 'shrug'. You guys do whatcha' gotta'.


Thank goodness. I support you guys 100 percent. There were some truly godawful comments making it up there recently, and I don't blame you in the least for shutting that all down. Lookin' forward to more updates and less gripey randoms!


I completely and totally respect -and- appreciate it. You guys rock cocks! God bless <3