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Sorry we're a little late! Our sleep schedule has been COMPLETELY fucked, but last night was the first decent sleep in a while. We gotta spend this weekend installing a water line since our well water has turned orange and is eating through filters even faster than it was before. Something over the hurricane evac really did a number on it. So we got to dig a 1,000 ft trench and install/connect over 42 pipes and connectors. FUN TIMES.

See you on Monday!



Justin Wood

Oh boy, this was a long time coming. It'll be good to have the air cleared.


this is good shit, I love characters having crying episodes 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Yuusssss tear into her Elizabeth!

Shinya Sahaku

She needed this one. She also needs to know she was always invited

John lee lewis

Aww Eli, sweetie, it’ll be ok! Oh i just wanna hug her!


........Happy now Suria? look at her, you gave her the anxieties lol


Look at this poor woman, Suria! She wears prescription glasses for gods sake!


That's right, put it on blast. It is way past time for Elizabeth to vent on how bad she gets kicked around.


Suria's beef is with Sterling, not Elizabeth. Time she learned that!


I knew it! She's crying! She broke! Awwh. I hope something good comes out of this


Poor Elizabeth! But I bet being honest with her feelings like that is the best way to make Suria understand, so they can start working together!! Though, can someone explain me why it's mentioned the glasses are prescription glasses? I'm not from the US and , as far as I know, where I live everyone who has glasses has a prescription for them. 🤔 Good luck with installing the water line!


It’s common in the US to wear glasses as a fashion accessory, without them being prescription or needed. So trendy people will wear them as accessories, and less trendy people wear them out of necessity.