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Boy, the hits just keep coming, huh

So, our little gremlin dog Bruce had a seizure and fell down the stairs. He's okay now, but we had to take him to the vet to get him checked out. I thought he might've had a heatstroke but the vet thinks it's some kind of heart problem. Could hopefully just be a one-off thing but we'll have to see what turns up from his blood work.

So yeah, we weren't able to get a page done. But the boy is fine! We're chilling on the couch with him and he's acting normal. REALLY need him to be okay. Between quarantine, hurricanes, injuries, and 5 of my family members getting covid, don't really know if I can handle something happening to Bruce. No wonder we're burnt out.

We'll let you know if anything changes! See you Monday!




Keep on truckin' folks. Will be thinking of you all, fingers crossed it's nothing too serious.


Hope the pupper turns out alright

Dracon Atrox

Give your pup an extra snuggle from us!


man i still think you guys are going too fast even with the decreased workload you should pace yourselves


Poor buddy, I hope he ends up being okay. I've had some scares with my cat the last few months since I found out he's diabetic, so I understand how scary it is. Puppo health should always be first priority, goofy comics can come once that's secured.


Whoof, I must have missed that bit about your family from earlier! Good luck to you guys, you deserve some R&R from everything.


Feel better sweet pupper! Take your time, guys. We're not going anywhere!


*sends internet hugs*


Look at that sweet little face. Feel better soon, little buddy.


Pupper comes first, hope everything's alright!

Michael Butchin

Awwwwwwwww, poor puppy! Glad he's on the mend.