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Sorry we were late! We hit a bunch of delays all at once. A power surge made us lose some progress and this incredibly dry weather has irritated Leslie's skin to hell, specifically her hands and legs. She couldn't even sleep last night, she was so itchy. She's better today though!

I teased a big project unveiling early this week, buuut it's not quite ready yet. Hopefully I can get it ready sometime later this month or next month. It's a fairly big project with a number of other people involved, so there's a lot of moving parts to coordinate. Should have something for you soon, though! Keep an eye on my twitter!

See you on Monday!




Loving this arc in the story. I hope Dakota helps her come out of her shell. I'm always so sad to see people hide away from things they enjoy because of a perceived shame society puts on them. <3


Stop wussing out Elizabeth!


So i have a question thats been bugging me for years. What ethnicity is dakota? Its always been a toss up between black-hispanic and native American for me but i was never able to tell


Dakota is so cute to offer to go in there together. :D


Please pleeeeease let them go in. The hilarity would be palpable




Yesss go inside! It has a fun name too. What a great bonding moment for the two of them.


Maybe Dakota can get that strap-on he mentioned, back in the desert!


Accidental first date HYPE!! :>