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Hey guys, sorry I have to hit you with another delay. Remember back when I threw out my shoulder blade? Well, this time Leslie has thrown out HER shoulders. We're not actually sure how. Maybe the bed or something in the couch messed something up? Both of them are pretty old. She can barely lift her arms over her stomach without feeling some pain, so I insisted that she just lay down and rest for the day. There was already so much...fucking shit going on in the world right now anyways, the last thing I want is Leslie to seriously hurt herself.

I'm hoping that with enough rest today, her shoulder will be fine for tomorrow. It's highly possible that it'll take a couple of days though, since that's what happened to me. If she's fine though, we'll finish up Patreon words and try to have them ready for posting by the 1st. I'll let you all know if any complications come up!

Once again, thank you all so much for being so patient. I really don't want to come off like I'm begging or guilt-tripping or whining, like...I really do appreciate this. You guys are the ones who allow us to do these comics in the first place, and I really don't want to even think about where we'd be without you. We owe you so much and we can't thank you enough. And even when shit is so incredibly hard right now, you've all been nothing but kind and supportive. Seriously, thank you. 

I'll let you know how Leslie's feeling tomorrow! See you then!



You guys take your time and care for yourselves! Your health is most important!

Michael Butchin

No worries-- take it easy for a while, and STOP FWEAKIN' HURTING YOURSELVES! Good grief! Seriously-- take off till next week; don't make your injuries worse! We can wait. 😊


Relax. Bodies betray us all the time. Believe me, we get it. Leslie can take her time healing up.


Get well soon 💕


I slept weird the other day and I've got the same problem so I totally understand! I'm on day 2 of sucky shoulder and its probably gonna be another day or 2. I wish Leslie a speedy recovery cause it fucking sucks.


I DON'T KNOW HOW IT KEEPS HAPPENING. We've gotten sick, threw out our shoulders, Lealie developed severe insomnia, I lost an entire fucking toenail, and we barely ever leave the house! Shit's already stressful enough, I dunno why our own bodies gotta keep betraying us! Thank you though, seriously


Yeah, same thing happened to me when I overexerted myself stretching. It took a few days. Sucks that it can happen from exercise OR sleeping. Hope you get better soon, too!


Take all the time u guys need:)

Aeryn Light

Feel better soon!! I used to have an old spring mattress and it kept messing with my joints all the time, getting one of those new spring-less mattresses did wonders.

Justin Wood

As Populuxe said above, please don't beat yourselves up about this. As a reader of a certain other comic that shall not be named, losing out on one or two pages a week is far from a major loss, and you've both displayed a commendable work ethic. As I've said time and again, don't overwork yourselves. I'd rather a delay than an outright cancellation, if it makes things better.


Ice, painkillers and rest, mang. We can wait.


all good man we love the silly porn comic but its also a silly porn comic, your health is much more important both of you. stay safe get lots of rest heal up and come back only when you're ready.


I hope she gets better! I know I have a bad bed and it happens unfortunately pretty often I'll wake up with strange injuries that hurt like crazy. That sucks. Here's to a speedy recovery!